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az ml dataset
This reference is part of the azure-cli-ml extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.0.28 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az ml dataset command. Learn more about extensions.
Commands for managing datasets in Azure Machine Learning Workspace.
Name | Description | Type | Status |
az ml dataset archive |
Archive an active or deprecated dataset. |
Extension | GA |
az ml dataset deprecate |
Deprecate an active dataset in a workspace by another dataset. |
Extension | GA |
az ml dataset list |
List all datasets in the workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az ml dataset reactivate |
Reactivate an archived or deprecated dataset. |
Extension | GA |
az ml dataset register |
Register a new dataset from the specified file. |
Extension | GA |
az ml dataset show |
Get details of a dataset by its id or registration name. |
Extension | GA |
az ml dataset unregister |
Unregister all versions under the specified registration name. |
Extension | GA |
az ml dataset archive
Archive an active or deprecated dataset.
az ml dataset archive [--id]
Optional Parameters
Dataset ID (guid).
Registration name of the dataset.
Provide an optional output file location for structured object output.
Path to a root directory for run configuration files.
Resource group name.
Specifies the subscription Id.
Workspace name.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az ml dataset deprecate
Deprecate an active dataset in a workspace by another dataset.
az ml dataset deprecate --deprecate-by-id
Required Parameters
Dataset ID (guid) which is the intended replacement for this Dataset.
Optional Parameters
Dataset ID (guid).
Registration name of the dataset.
Provide an optional output file location for structured object output.
Path to a root directory for run configuration files.
Resource group name.
Specifies the subscription Id.
Workspace name.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az ml dataset list
List all datasets in the workspace.
az ml dataset list [--output-metadata-file]
Optional Parameters
Provide an optional output file location for structured object output.
Path to a root directory for run configuration files.
Resource group name.
Specifies the subscription Id.
Workspace name.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az ml dataset reactivate
Reactivate an archived or deprecated dataset.
az ml dataset reactivate [--id]
Optional Parameters
Dataset ID (guid).
Registration name of the dataset.
Provide an optional output file location for structured object output.
Path to a root directory for run configuration files.
Resource group name.
Specifies the subscription Id.
Workspace name.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az ml dataset register
Register a new dataset from the specified file.
az ml dataset register [--file]
Optional Parameters
Specification file for dataset.
Provide an optional output file location for structured object output.
Path to a root directory for run configuration files.
Resource group name.
Show template of dataset specification file.
Skip validation that ensures data can be loaded from the dataset before registration.
Specifies the subscription Id.
Workspace name.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az ml dataset show
Get details of a dataset by its id or registration name.
az ml dataset show [--id]
Optional Parameters
ID of the dataset saved to workspace.
Registration name of the dataset.
Provide an optional output file location for structured object output.
Path to a root directory for run configuration files.
Resource group name.
Specifies the subscription Id.
Registration version of the dataset.
Workspace name.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az ml dataset unregister
Unregister all versions under the specified registration name.
az ml dataset unregister [--name]
Optional Parameters
Registration name of the dataset.
Provide an optional output file location for structured object output.
Path to a root directory for run configuration files.
Resource group name.
Specifies the subscription Id.
Workspace name.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.